HEALTH E-NEWS | April 15, 2020

RML Specialty Hospital Accepting Patients with COVID-19: Patient and Staff Safety Highest Priority

In support of our mission to provide the right care at a critical time, RML Specialty Hospital in Hinsdale is now accepting patients recovering from COVID-19.

“With our long-standing expertise in providing care for patients recovering from severe illness, we believe we can best serve our community at this time by accepting patients suffering from COVID-19 disease,” said John Brofman, MD, Chief Medical Officer. “Through our COVID-19 Clinical Task Force, we have developed a plan for admission and treatment that is safe for our patients and our highly dedicated team of providers and support staff.”

Based on the plans developed by the task force, patients who have suffered from COVID-19 disease will be treated in a wing of the hospital that is separate from the rest of the building. Patients will be admitted through a designated, walled-off entrance, which will also serve as the entrance and exit for the RML team providing care.

Before patients can be considered for admission to RML Specialty Hospital, they will have been in another hospital for at least 10 days and will be 72 hours fever-free without the support of fever-reducing medications. Staff members who have volunteered to serve on the COVID unit have received specialized training and have access to all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 masks, gloves, and gowns. These staff members will be monitored twice daily by our Employee Health Department for fever and other symptoms.

“With our experience in providing excellent patient care, the appropriate use of ventilators, and  a physical structure that allow for separate access, RML Specialty Hospital can help relieve current pressures on area intensive care units and provide patients with safe, expert care on their road to recovery,” explained Dr. Brofman. “We are especially grateful to our task force members who have worked tirelessly to develop a thorough implementation plan and to our providers and support staff who have stepped in to meet a critical need.”

For more information, contact Mauleen Maly, BSN, ACM-RN, CCM, Senior Provider Relations Specialist, at (630) 286-4101 or